Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who's On Hana?

Here is why Korea is confusing:

BB: When is the last day of class?
Koreans: Dec. 23
BB: That's the last day??
K: Yes.
BB: When does the new school year start?
K: March 1
BB: March? Same as last year.
K: Yes
BB: So last class Dec 23, next class March 1???
K: Yes.
BB: And I have camps in Jan ?
K: Yes
BB: and nothing in Feb?
K: No
BB: What is in Feb?
K: class
BB: huh?
K: classes in Feb
BB: more camps?
K: no, real school
BB: last day dec 23?
K: yes
BB: frist day march 1?
K: Yes
BB: sooooo.... no class in feb?
K: No.
..... AAAAHHHHH I give up!!!

It's like Abbot and Costello except in broken Engrishee!!!
If you are reading this, then I'm impressed... you just did a whole lot of reading!!