Sunday, October 04, 2009

Those Bastards!

I have exciting news! I can read!!!


I went to Daegu today. When I walked by the movie
theater I decided to check out what was playing so I
started to play my usual game of: Match the crazy
Korean characters. It's sort of like mixing an ink blot
test with the memory game. I give names to the
Korean letters I see on the marquee then try to match
them to the movie posters.
For example:
would be "snake"
있 would be "winking face with mustache"
would be "vitruvian man"
ㅈ would be "decapitated vitruvian man"

So I started to play using the word "바스터즈"
but then I stopped. I thought, "No, Britne. C'mon,
you can do this. Sound it out."
So I gave it a shot.

bastard... Bastard... BASTARD!

It's Inglorious Basterds!
I did it! I read it in Korean!!! So I preceded to do
my butt wiggling little happy dance in the middle
of a crowd of Koreans while I muttered "Bastard!
Bastard! Bastard! Whoo hoo!"

Too bad though, it was in the "Coming Soon" section.

Oh well, maybe next time!

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If you are reading this, then I'm impressed... you just did a whole lot of reading!!