As a society that sleeps primarily on the floor, with little or no padding under them, having curvy woman parts is an absolute handicap. Having any one of the aforementioned girly bits is quite a hinderance but having all three is complete torture!
If you lay on your back your butt prevents you from laying flat causing you to get a kink in your spine, you can roll over to your side but your hip is going to take all the pressure and dig into the floor and good luck trying to breathe when lying on your stomach with all the pressure on your chest!
Though, after sleeping on the floor for the vast majority of July, I am starting to get used to it. One of the places where I often sleep, and is one of the most comfortable, is on Anastasia's floor... Though she thinks the comfort level of her floor has more to do with my level of intoxication when I'm staying over rather than the actual feeling of her floor.
... hmmm. Very possible.
Korean motel room on Ulleungdo Island
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