Here is my routine..
5:30am- wake up. Hit snooze. Repeat.
6:45am- snooze is now broken... disassemble battery from alarm clock while still asleep.
7:15am- wake up in a panic wondering why my alarm never went off. Turn on water heater.
7:20am- jump into the shower.
7:35am- squeegy the puddles from the floor into the floor drain
7:40am- get ready for school
8:15am- shove a scoop of peanut butter down my throat (try to convince myself that it's actually a decent breakfast)
8:20am- run out the door. Curse at the elevator for taking so long. Power walk to school.
8:33am- Arrive at school. Only 3 minutes late, hell, that's practically on time!
9:00am- Start classes. Repeat the words: Hi, Hello, Hello, Hi, Hi, Hi, Bye, Hello, Hello, Hi, Hello, about a million times. Sing the damn ABC song just as many times.
12:20pm- Lunch. Push rice around my plate with chopsticks. Try to hide octopus and squid in my soup bowl so no one notices I didn't eat anything.
1:20pm- back to class. Repeat the following phrases over and over: No, I don't speak Korean...Yes, I live at Chong Ho too... No, I don't remember my phone number. (because that's what I need... 4th graders texting me all night long.)
2:20pm- After school classes. Try my damnedest to wrangle these kids who would rather be anywhere but here. Give up and play hangman until their hearts content.
3:30pm- Sit at my desk. Stare aimlessly at the clock. Write silly little blogs and check facebook 350 times.
4:30pm- Walk home. Wave to the people leaning out the hospital windows smoking cigarettes. Stop by the little market and pick up a few veggies and something to drink.
4:50pm- Wash my hands repeatedly. Damn germy little vermon! Must not get sick again!!!
5:00pm- Head out to the trails... running, biking, anything to clear my head.
6:30pm- Come home and shower. Forget that I opened the corridor window earlier and now all my neighbors can see me naked. Hmmm... rig up some contraption so I can keep the window open without people seeing in.
7:00pm- Paint, watch tv, think about what to eat for dinner.
8:00pm- Cook dinner. Usually involving chicken, onions, greenpeppers and garlic (those are the veggies my little market sells!)
10:30pm- Get on Skype and talk to my mom and sis... and anyone else that drops by my mom's house!
11:00pm- Watch episode after episode of CSI.... catch Man vs. Wild if I'm super lucky!
2:00am- Curse at myself for being a tv junkie and force myself to go to bed!
Repeat 5x a week...
except on Wednesdays. That involves me taking a bus 30 min outside town and repeating the phrase "No punching, fighting, kicking, hitting...."
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