In Mali, I had 5-10 large African cockroaches crawling in my hut every night. I ignored them for the most part. Now that I’m living in Charlotte I have a, more or less, roach free existence. It’s beginning to be bug season now and I live in a 120 year old, load bearing masonry building (meaning lots of cracks and crevasses for critters to get in).
So, I didn’t find it too shocking to see a cockroach crawling up the wall in my bedroom the other night. They might not bother me, but I’m not in Africa anymore so I don’t really want them crawling around me while I sleep. I went to do what most of us do when we see a big bug; I tried to whack it with a shoe. Unfortunately, he saw me coming and scurried up the wall. Damn! It was at this very moment that I realized the pitfalls of having 16 foot ceilings… they inhibit proper bug whacking. I’m a towering 5’ tall and have maybe an additional 12” when my arm is extended and this little bugger was high tailing it up my gigantic wall, far out of my reach.
I rolled my bed (the frame has wheels and I have concrete floors… lots of fun when you are bored and like to bed-surf… right Jessie?) to the other side of the room and jumped up with my shoe and swatted again. Still out of reach. I ran into the living room and grabbed a chair and threw it on the bed and climbed up… Damn, still not tall enough! My little buddy was getting higher up the wall. I remembered the weird xmas present my mom gave me; a bucket of dishtowels, chewing gum and roach spray. (I don’t know why… weird gift giving is genetic in my family. I’m looking forward to doing it myself and am well on my way actually)
I grabbed the spray and climbed on my rickety tower and sprayed up the wall. Still not enough!! Damn, damn, damn!!! He was almost to the hole. Defeated, I put the chair away and scooted my bed back to its original position. I stood there, feeling very small and thinking that my sleep would be haunted by the creepy crawly feeling of a cockroach crawling around me. I looked up at the window and watched as my roach nemesis crawled into the dark hole. Right before I turned to walk away, the roach came running out of the hole. He was booking it as fast as he could. As I watched with puzzlement a HUGE spider came running out of the hole after the cockroach. The roach was trapped. The spider was behind him and a 12’ freefall was in front. He chose to jump. He landed directly at my feet and I was waiting with my roach spray. He’s dead now. I watched as the spider slowly crawled backwards into the hole. Thanks Spidey!!! Too bad though… he’s dead now too.
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