Thursday, December 06, 2012

2012 Year in Review - Gif Parade

Rather than blather on about my year in a long rambling post, I'll let the magic of Gifs sum it up:

January 2012

New Years in Tasmania

 Self-imposed Fast Food ban over!

Wandered through the Outback


Living under my friend's stairs

Leaving Australia

 42 hours of flights and layovers
Finally getting off the plane
And Then...  I'm Home!

Job interview with JetLag


I got the job!!

May & June



Birthday - 31

I bought a house!!

and got broken into



Broken Into Again
And several more weeks of...
then finally...

My1st Halloween giving out candy

Thanksgiving at my house
(with a ton of help from my sister!)

The Fridge Stops Working on Thanksgiving


Blood is dripping from the walls... this house is possessed!
whew... not actually possessed after all!

And the remainder of the year to come

Christmas with the Family

New Years with Stasia

and ??? (honestly, there's no telling!)

Happy Holidays and Have a Fabulous New Year!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Meet me online

Okay, it's been quite some time since I've updated this and while I've got plenty of things to talk about relating to Australia; today I want to talk about Skype. Skype is the single most useful program when living abroad. Here are all the things I wouldn't have been able to do without it over the past few years:

Attend my sister's college graduation

Meet my best friend's baby

Show up for Girls Night

See my family on Xmas

Provide medical advice for a friend.
"It's not a Tu-mah!!"

Damage impressionable young minds by
distracting their teacher during class

Warp another young mind by making a
1 year old think all computers and televisions
should talk to him directly

Attend my best friend's baby shower

Sit in the hospital waiting room
with the rest of my family during
my Aunt's surgery

Now, If only we could work on this time zone thing. It's getting mighty
hard to look presentable at 4am!!

If you are reading this, then I'm impressed... you just did a whole lot of reading!!